(...) In the new stuff, Adam's really grown musically. The first [recordings] were full of fire and very athletic - and it's Bach, so it's beautiful - it's very much in your face. The new stuff had great dynamics and great vibrato even with a very unusual technique. Everything had a great sense of timing, and I realized, this is really a guy to look out for.(...)
(...)My new Polish friend Adam Fulara who exemplifies hard work and dedication (find him on YouTube). link
Full-X is like a train, which nothing can stand in the way. Sometimes it will be an obstacle, and it seems that it can not be beat, but the Full-X hits and cuts it in half going on
This is what happens if you practice your guitar for 100 hours a day for your entire life, then eat a really, really hot pepper.
Adam Fulara is the most original Polish guitar player. (...)His counterpoint improvisation, total control over the sound (difficult tap-portato articulation), and a constant search for his own, unique way make it except for the Polish music scene (...)
When Adam Fulara was invited to Paul Gilbert's Great Guitar Escape The people were totally confused. Several well-known guitarists told, that actually they are more deserving of such a distinction, others commented "lucky guy, lucky him." But to understand why Adam was selected (...) need to look at the music world from a different perspective and realize that the most precious which can be a musician, it's originality . (...) The world does not need another Hetfield, Joe Satriani or Metheny. You can not walk in life someone else's shoes (...). Can you get in life things (...) but you can not make people remember us and this will not happen until we begin to write its own history.
Great composition, really beautiful (about Adam's composition after gig of Adam at the Tommy Emmanuel Festival in Rietberg 2008)
Adam Fulara is realy genius.
For me he is a musician who proved that there has not yet been said the last world in guitar-playing technique. Fulara is not only the best tapper in Poland he is also the first one who applied two hand tapping technique from Bach to jazz. His achievements are simply impressive and lay a new goal to be accomplish by the others guitarists.
I like the idea of contrapuntal improvisation, presented by Adam. It sounded interesting and seems to me that is the right direction of musical search.
The way of Adam's playing is unique and impresive. It requires a lot of work, knowledge, patience. I will keep focus on the counterpoint recordings of Adam.
Adam Fulara and his Full-X trio music – very interesting and creative use of rare guitar playing technique called tapping (that I myself apply sporadically). And his fluency!
Adam Fulara has shown in his recordings musical versatiity accompanied with solid basics(…); he is playing in a freemanner in various polyphonic composition (…); his approach to music makes us aware of how much it is to be discovered (in the area of music).
Adam Fulara (...) is a promising talent in two hand tapping. His specialty is polyphonic compositions (...)
Congratulations to Adam Fulara for developing a unique approach to two-handed tapping technique. I believe it will be very successful way of playing in the future.
Given remarkable mastery of the instrument we have sponsored Adam Fulara as a teacher for masterclasses in the July 2005 session. He has demonstrated a remarkable ability to perform both classical - specially Bach - as jazz pieces. Adam has given his lessons in English. There were insteresting and well understood by the audience.
Adam Fulara has discovered new level of jazz guitar. His music is as innovative as it is interesting.
As part of the cyclic Friday concerts in Polish Radio Rzeszow March 28, 2014 starred Adam Fulara & Full-X trio, meeting with a warm audience response confirmed encores, the overall satisfaction as well as the amount of records sold. The heart grows when the music goes to the author's grateful recipient who can appreciate its uniqueness.
I was at a concert Full-X in Rzeszow and absolutely it was not time wasted. My special attention was drummer Michael Bednarz, who admittedly plays heavily, but exactly how much you need. Anyway, the whole rhythm section Full-X played great and many a soloist with such section would like to play.
First Prize in the Polish National Competition of Guitar Improvisation (2005)
ZoomHonourable for "expanding jazz guitar area" in the prestige jazz guitar competition "Guitar City" (2005).
ZoomCertificate - European Tap Seminar 2005
ZoomSeminar at Musicology at the Wroclaw University (2006): "Portato - different kind of two-handed tapping".
ZoomGuitar Workshops and Fool-X gig in Darmstadt (Germany)
ZoomAward for achievements for Ostrzeszow city. June 2022.
ZoomAward for achievements for Ostrzeszow city. June 2022.
Zoom"Leader of culture 2007" - Prize of Ostrzeszow Culture Institute for promotion of the city
ZoomLeader of Culture 2007 - Mayor's Prize
ZoomLeader of Culture 2007 - Foreman's Prize
ZoomWorkshops and Fool-X gig at the Warsaw University of Technology
Zoom"Full-X. Counterpoint and the magic of intervals" - Regional Chronicle Book, 2013. Whole chronicle text online: www.wieza1916.pl
ReadAdam Fulara at Paul Gilbert's Guitar Escape - Gitarzysta Nr 8/2013
ReadIntroduction to Guitar Player Polish ed. September 2013
ReadAdam Fulara and Paul Gilbert - gigs in New York area. Polish language ("Czas Ostrzeszowski, Dec 19, 2012)
ReadMusician From Ostrzeszow in The Great American Music Hall - Review... (Polish language) - "Czas Ostrzeszowski" (Oct 03, 2007).
ReadAdam Fulara with Paul Gilbert at the Great Guitar Escape. "TopGuitar" 1/2013. Polish language.
ReadAdam Fulara in BBC Radio (Polish language) - review of Ards International Guitar Festival, and BBC show.
ReadInterview in Guitar Player (Polish ed.)
ReadAdam Fulara - review in Polish Radio 3 with Piotr Baron "Czas Ostrzeszowski" Jan 29,.2013. Polish language.
ReadReview of the Wioslo Festival 2022 in Polish "Guitar Player". July 2022.
ReadFulara's Method - 7 pages - interview with Adam Fulara about his method of improvisation, which is quite popular in Poland - over 300 of students of his music school uses it. Polish language, PDF, Ostrzeszowska Kultura 3/2021.
ReadAuthentism - an Interview about the art direction in music
ReadAdam Fulara about new music theory book and passion, Dzien Dobry Ostrzeszow, September 2021.
ReadAn review from the sold-out concert at the "Alchemist". Adam Fulara played counterpoint jazz standards program with Ola Danielska-Lisek. The concert took place on November 22, 2024 as part of the 1st Festival of Authenticity. Krzysztof Juszczak, "Czas Ostrzeszowski"
ReadFull House in "Baszta" - review of sold out gig in Ostrzeszow - Jan 10, 2016, Czas Ostrzeszowski, Polish language
ReadInterview after successful sold out gig in Ostrzeszow
Read"Tapping with genius" by Paul Brett (Music Maker, 07.2009)
ReadInterview with Adam Fulara about new music theory book about language of music. Polish language, Czas Ostrzeszowski Aug 10, 2021 (K. Juszczak).
ReadReport from the 1st Festival of Authenticity in the local press. Adam Fulara received the "Ambassador of Culture" award, granted for the first time in the history of Ostrzeszow. The festival took place on November 22-23, 2024.
ReadTom Fulara received gold badge for cultural Merits for Worclaw city. October 2019.
ReadOwn style - Twoj Puls Tygodnia, Jun 27, 2017 - Polish language
ReadFront page of "Sociales" Daily (Spanish language) - Mexico 2008
Read"La otra cara de la guitarra" Review of Adama Fulara's performance until XIII Festival Internacional de Guitarra del Noreste - Mexico 2008 (Sociales Daily of Coahuila) - Spanish
ReadArds International Guitar Festival 2006 - presspackage. (Northern Ireland)
ReadGuiness Guitar World Record Festival 2022
Read3. Guitar Workshop Festival 2021. Press review (Polish language, Czas Ostrzeszowski, Dec 8, 2021).
ReadFulara's Method for classical players? (Czas Ostrzeszowski, Feb 11, 2020, Polish lang)
ReadBook premiere with gig in Ostrzeszow - Polish language, Sep 29, 2021,
ReadPostauthentism on Guitar Festival in Swidwin. Czas Ostrzeszowski, Jun 1, 2022. Photo: Wieslaw Wieczorek
ReadPostauthentism workshops with Adam Fulara and Leszek Cichonski (Czas Ostrzeszowski 2022, Polish language).
ReadAdam Fulara and Jack Krzaklewski - live in TV Amazing - review "Czas Ostrzeszowski" Sep 25, 2013 (Polish language)
ReadAdam Fulara and Leszek Cichonski - Czas Ostrzeszowski Mar 30, 2022.
ReadFull-X in Ostrzeszow Culture Centre - rewiew (Twoj Puls Tygodnia, 8 may,2017)
Read"El otro lado de la guitarra" - review from gig at XIII International Festival de Guitarra del Noreste - "Vanguardia", July 2008 (PDF, Spanish)
ReadFulara's book "Understanding of music language" (Polish) premiere. Czas Ostrzeszowski, August 4, 2021.
ReadOstrzeszow Festival of Art 2014 - Adam Fulara with Full-X - Polish language - "Nasze Strony Ostrzeszowskie" Apr 29, 2014
Read"20 years of the Full-X" - Review of gig at the Ostrzeszow Festival of Art 2014. "Czas Ostrzeszowski" (K. Juszczak, May 20, 2014). Polish language.
ReadPat Metheny and Adam Fulara - "Czas Ostrzeszowski" Feb 2019 (Polish lang.)
ReadFull-X, Review of gig in Polish Radio Rzeszw, Czas Ostrzeszowski Apr 16, 2014. Polish language.
ReadFulara brothers plays at the Bass Days 2013. The review. Polish language. Czas Ostrzeszowski Oct 30, 2013.
ReadInterview with Tom Fulara at the "Bass Player" (Polish ed.) Magazine. Polish langugage. Basista 2013/10
ReadAdam Fulara and Pat Metheny - "Nasze Strony Ostrzeszowskie" 28.02.2019.
ReadAdam Fulara & Tommy Emmanuel - review of the Tommy Emmanuel Festival 2008 ("Gitarzysta 12/2008"). Polish language.
Read"Don't have to live in NYC to make the career", "Czas Ostrzeszowski" (Polish) Aug. 2009.
Read"Passion for notes" - Polish language, "Nasze Strony Ostrzeszowsie" August 2013.
ReadJazz music masters playing at home (Czas Ostrzeszowski Jan 14. 2014)
Read20 years of the Full-X, "Czas Ostrzeszowski" May 7, 2014
ReadReview of "An Introduction to Counterpoint", JazzPress Jul 2014, Polish language
New album "An Introduction to Counterpoint" in "Guitar Player" (Polish ed., Polish language)
Read"Ostrzeszow Festival of Art" an article about incomming Full-X gig. "Czas Ostrzeszowski", Apr 22, 2014. Polish language
Read"Adam Fulara & Full-X 20 years on stage" - review from Ostrzeszow Festival of Art 2014 (May 26, 2014)
Read"Jazz po trzebnicku" - review of the All Souls' Day Jazz Festival 2013, December 2013
ReadMichal Bednarz in X-Factor (Polish ed.), "Kurier Trzebnicki" March 2014.
Read"The drummer and rally driver" - Michal Bednarz is the Full-X drummer. The review in "Gazeta Wroclawska" (November 2013, Polish language)
ReadAll Souls' Day Jazz Festival 2013, Trzebnica, "Panorama Trzebnicka" November 2013, (Polish language)
Read"Michal Bednarz - drummer and the rally driver" - Full-X drummer review in Panorama Trzebnicka, November 2013. (Polish)
Read"Galliate Master Guitar Festival 2009" - review in "Gitarzysta", September 2009 (Polish).
Read"Szkola na gitare Adama Fulary" - Review of the book + DVD "Two-handed tapping - guitar workshop" by Adam Fulara. Polish language, "Czas Ostrzeszowski", Nov 11, 2009r.
Read"Sons de guitarra da Polonia e Brasil" Review of the XVI Festival Internacional de Guitarra de Santo Tirso. Adam Fulara and Assad brothers were one of the artists. Portuguese language. ("Destak" May 9, 2009)
Read"Guitarras em Santo Tirso" Review of the XVI Festival Internacional de Guitarra de Santo Tirso. Adam Fulara was one of the artists. Portuguese language. ("Destak" May 9, 2009).
Read"Two hand tapping mit Fool-X" Magdeburger Volksstimme 31.08.2006r (German language)
ReadFool-X trio with famous polish guitar player - Mark Raduli at the "JaZZlot Festival 2008" - review "Gitarzysta 12/2008". Polish language.
ReadPresspackage XIII Festival Internacional de Guitarra del Noreste, Mexico 2008, Spanish language
ReadStadtmagazin DATES (August 2006)
Read"Gitarren-Virtuose live" Generalanzeiger 2006.08.28
ReadInternational TapGuitar Festival 2007, Braunschweig (Germany), "Da-Capo" October 2007.
Read"Gitarrenkunst" - Frankfurter Randshau (October 2005) - national Germany press.
ReadŚwięto Muzyki - Czas Ostrzeszowski - 10.05.2017
ReadReview of the "XIII International Festival de Guitarra del Noreste" - Gitarzysta 9/2008
Read"Darmstadter" - October 2005 (local Germany magazin)
ReadFool-X Trio - "Doubleshred" CD - review in "TopGuitar" (Polish)
ReadFool-X trio "Doubleshred" - debut CD - review in "Czas Ostrzeszowski", November 22, 2006.
ReadCounterpoint in Poznan - Czas Ostrzeszowski, July 11, 2017. Review of the Counterpoint Jazz Standards gig in Poznan. Adam Fulara (guitar) + Aleksandra Danielska (voc)
ReadFool-X Trio - "Doubleshred" CD - review in "Guitar Player" (Polish ed.)
ReadReview of the XIII Festival Internacional de Guitarra del Noreste, "Czas Ostrzeszowski" 09/2008 (Polish) PDF versionRead
Interview - promotion of ''Doubleshred'' CD in ''TopGuitar'' (March, 2007) Polish language
Read"Festival de Guitarra em Santo Tirso", Festival review. Portuguese language. ("Eco Regional" marzec 2009)
ReadInterview in "Guitar player" (Polish ed.)
ReadReview of the Guitarfest - International Guitar Festival in Bratislava (Slovakia) - "TopGuitar" Oct. 2006
ReadFestival folder of the "XVI Festival Internacional de Guitarra de Santo Tirso" - Portugese, May 2009
ReadReview of the Ards International Guitar Festival in ''TopGuitar'' (May, June 2007)
ReadInterview of MusikMesse 2007 (Frankfurt) - ''TopGuitar'' (May, June 2007)
ReadGalliate Master Guitar Festival 2009 presspackage. Adam Fulara, Stanley Jordan and Rosenberg Trio...
Read"Jazz is a state of nature" - interview with Mark Napiorkowski until JaZZlot 2006 Festival, where he performed with Fool-X trio. "Czas Ostrzeszowski", August 2006, Polish language.
ReadReview of the jaZZlot 2006 - Mark Napiorkowski + Fool-X trio. "Czas Ostrzeszowski", August 2006, Polish language.
Read"TopGuitar" No. 1/2006 - "Adam Fulara is the winner of the Polish National Competition of Guitar Improvisation in Kielce called Gitarowe Harce ....."
ReadNew workshop book + DVD of Adam Fulara "Two-handed tapping - guitar workshop" (ABSONIC 2009), press "Gitarzysta" (Polish, October 2009)
ReadInterview with K. Misiak, famous Polish guitar player who played with Fool-X trio at the JaZZlot 2004 Festival, "Czas Ostrzeszowski", August 2004, Polish language
Read"Saturday with jazz and blues" - review of the JaZZlot 2004 Festival, with Fool-X trio, K. Misiak and Bledowski-Winder Band. "Czas Ostrzeszowski", August 2004, Polish language.
ReadFool-X trio - Live in Magdeburg (Dates - Das Magdeburger Stadtmagazin 10.2008) - German language.
Read"Tappingowy odjazd w dwugryfowej gitarze" Trio gig review, Polish language ("Echo Miasta" 7 luty 2008)
ReadFestival "Gitara 2009" (in Polish and English). Premiere of the "Two-handed tapping. Guitar workshp" book in biggest Polish book store EMPiK.
Read"Jazzowe trio nie zawiodło" - Review after Fool-X trio gig in Piotrkow Trybunalski, Polish language ("7 Dni", Feb 22,2008)
ReadGigs of Fool-X trio in Piotrkow Trybunalski, review, Polish language ("7 Dni", Feb 15, 2008)
Read"Music from Ostrzeszow" - "Kurier Ziemi Ostrzeszowskiej" Dec 1, 2009.
ReadGig review - "Baszta" - Czas Ostrzeszowski, Nov 2015, Polish language
ReadCounterpoint jazz standards - review of the gig in Ostrzeszow, Nov 2015, Polish language
ReadAward for outstanding achievements for the promotion of Ostrzeszow city.
ReadAward for achievements for Ostrzeszow city.
ReadAward for achievements for Ostrzeszow city.
ReadCounterpoint jazz standards at the Jazz Souls 2022 - Czas Ostrzeszowski (Polish lang.), Nov 2022
ReadJazz Souls 2022 - counterpoint jazz standards with Aleksandra Danielska. Ostrzeszowska Kultura (Polish) No. 25
Read"Leader of Culture 2007" - Adam Fulara has been awarded as the leader of 2007. "Kurier Ziemi Ostrzeszowskiej", January 2008.
Read"Jazz w Ruinach" Review of the festival. Polish language (MSI, 2.08.2007)
Read"Guitar And Bass" No. 6/2004 (Polish release)
ReadReview of the "jaZZlot 2009" Festival. Fool-X trio played with famous Polish guitar player Jack Krolik
Read"Muzyczna uczta" review of the Festival "Gitara bez barier 2008", Mosina (Polish language), "Gazeta Mosinsko-Puszczykowska" may 2008.
ReadGigs in Lodz i Pabianice on 2008 Full-X trio tour. "Dziennik Lodzki" Feb 2008.
Read"Solo Zycia 2006 Festival" - review (TopGuitar, Polish language, Nov, 2006)
Read"Solo zycia" - review of the festival. "Guitar Player" (Polish ed.) 11/2006
ReadGuitar City festival - "Jazz Forum" 2/2006 - Polish language
ReadBe3 Live! Gigs and Workshps of Polish bass supergroup in Germany and in Poland ("Bass Player" Polish ed. Oct, 2011)
ReadBe 3 in Magdeburg (German language) - "Dates" 09/2009
ReadBe 3 in Magdeburg (German language) - "Dates" 09/2009
Read"Jazz Forum" 1/2006 - the biggest Polish jazz magazine - "The winners of competitions..."
ReadReview of the jaZZlot 2005 Festival. Fool-X trio with Artur Lesicki.
ReadJack Krolik + Fool-X trio. Review of the "JaZZlot 2009" Festival. "Czas Ostrzeszowski", Sep. 2009, Polish.
Read"Pearls in the crown" - review. Adam Fulara and Peter Slapa. "Czas Ostrzeszowski", Sep. 2009, Polish.
ReadEuro Bass Days (Verona, Italy, 2007) with Tom Fulara. "TopGuitar" 3/2008 (Polish)
ReadEuro Bass Day (Viersen, Germany, 2007) with Tom Fulara. "TopGuitar" 3/2008 (Polish)
ReadShort review of trio gig in Orzysz ("Biuletyn" Sep, 2009)
ReadReview - Gig of Fool-X trio, Polish Tour 2008, "Gliwicki Magazyn Kulturalny", Feb. 2008. (Polish language)
ReadReview of Fool-X trio gig (Polish Tour 2008) "Kurier Ziemi Ostrzeszowskiej" (Polish language)
ReadReview of Fool-X trio gig (Polish Tour 2008) "Czas Ostrzeszowski" (Polish language)
ReadSPOTLIGHT, "Gitara i Bas", march 2004 review
ReadThe review of Fool-X trio gig in Odolanow - "Gazeta Ostrowska" - May 24, 2006
ReadFolder Knabenschule - Darmstadt
ReadBessunger Knabenschule - folder
ReadGazeta Poznanska, 17.09.2004
ReadReview of Fool-X trio gig in Odolanow - Polish language ("Czas Ostrzeszowski" - May 17, 2006).
ReadFool-X trio - Polish language version - Czas Ostrzeszowski May 4, 2006
Read"Like Van Halen" - Glos Wielkopolski 2003 (Polish)
Read"Acrobatics on the Fingerboards" - Glos Wielkopolski, August 2003 (Polish).
ReadGazeta Poznanska (March 27, 2001) -first gig of Fool-X trio with new instrumental repertoire.