In the past (year: 2024)
- Venue: Ropczyce, Centrum Kultury w Ropczycach.
Date: 2024-02-02 , Time: 17oo
Tickets: free
Fulara's Method - workshops for MusicTeam Music School. Fulara's Method (3+2) is the fastest known method of learning to play with chord tones (instead of scales). After workshops - solo gig with counterpoint jazz standards program.- Venue: Szydłowiec, Szydłowieckie Centrum Kultury Zamek
Date: 2024-06-14 , Time: 1900
Fulara's Method is the fastest way of learning changes in improvisation for guitar and bass. Workshops about this method with counterpoint jazz standards gig.- Venue: Ostrzeszów, Alchemik
Date: 2024-06-28 , Time: 20oo
Festival at the end of 2023/2024 year in Adam's music school. Workshops and the Jam Session for musicians.