Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
Check out pictures from the discussion panel (with live music) where Greg Skawinski discussed with Adam Fulara how to develop and work on one's own style in music. Nov 2024.
czytaj dalej...Check out photos from Authetism Festival. Adam Fulara played Counterpoint Jazz Standard program.
czytaj dalej...Check out photos from workshops for teachers of the MusicTeam school in Ropczyce. The topic of the workshop was the Fulara's Method - the fastest method of learning improvisation with changes to learn.
czytaj dalej...The workshop for music teachers about the Fulara's Method (3+2) - fastest to learn method of targeting chord tones in improvisation and composition.
czytaj dalej...An interview with Adam Fulara was published in the new issue of Gitarzysta (October 2023)
czytaj dalej...Improvisation to the 12 bar blues without minor pentatonic (and without blues scale). Fulara's Method used (3+2). It's a way to organize chord tones with blue notes.
czytaj dalej...Adam's book on the theory of improvisation (in Polish only) became the bestseller of 2022 by ABsonic. There is description of Fulara's Method - the fastest-to-learn method for selecting chord notes in improvisation. Courses available soon.
czytaj dalej...New photos! Full house at the Jazz Souls 2022, with Aleksandra Danielska and counterpoint jazz standards program.
czytaj dalej...Check out pictures from award ceremony. Adam Fulara has been awarded for achievements for Ostrzeszow city.
czytaj dalej...2013-10-02
z płyty "An Introduction to Counterpoint"
I got a chance to interview the incredible Adam Fulara recently in Poland. He is an amazing player with a unique take on the guitar and music.
Check out Full-X tune - from the middle to the end (guitar improvisation + theme), Gig in Wroclaw, May 2015
"Pearls in the crown" - review. Adam Fulara and Peter Slapa. "Czas Ostrzeszowski", Sep. 2009, Polish.
ReadAll Souls' Day Jazz Festival 2013, Trzebnica, "Panorama Trzebnicka" November 2013, (Polish language)
ReadPostauthentism on Guitar Festival in Swidwin. Czas Ostrzeszowski, Jun 1, 2022. Photo: Wieslaw Wieczorek
ReadFool-X trio "Doubleshred" - debut CD - review in "Czas Ostrzeszowski", November 22, 2006.