Counterpoint Jazz Standards at the I Authentism Festival

Sold out gig at the I Authentism Festival in Poland. Adam Fulara with Aleksandra Danielska-Lisek have presented the "Counterpoint Jazz Standards" program. Jam Session after gig where you could hear many jazz standards. For over 10 years during jam sessions you can hear many students, graduates and teachers of Adam Fulara's school playing jazz standards using the so-called Fulara's Method - the fastest way to learn how to play changes in standards. Photos: Kamil Cichon. Ostrzeszow, Nov 22, 2024. See more pictures: photos.

Press reviews

An review from the sold-out concert at the "Alchemist". Adam Fulara played counterpoint jazz standards program with Ola Danielska-Lisek. The concert took place on November 22, 2024 as part of the 1st Festival of Authenticity. Krzysztof Juszczak, "Czas Ostrzeszowski"
An review from the sold-out concert at the "Alchemist". Adam Fulara played counterpoint jazz standards program with Ola Danielska-Lisek. The concert took place on November 22, 2024 as part of the 1st Festival of Authenticity. Krzysztof Juszczak, "Czas Ostrzeszowski"


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Adam Fulara

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